
This event will follow the current 2024 USMS Open Water Swim rules. Time limits are enforced for the swims as follows: 3K 1.5 hours. Fins, pull buoys, snorkels, mp3 players are examples of items NOT allowed. To view USMS complete rules for open water events please visit USMS Rules and Regulations at, Part 3: Open Water and Long Distance Swimming Rules.

Swim safety buoys are required for this race. 
More information about the Swim safety buoys is available on the SAFETY page. 

Brightly colored race provided caps are required to be worn during the entire water portion of the event.

Neoprene wetsuits are required, unless swimmer has pre-approval from the safety / race director. Download the Non-Wetsuit Cold Water Swim Application and email a completed copy to Diana Hermanson Race director, [email protected] a minimum of 1 week ahead of the event.